DEAD AIR is sponsored by Trash Cult; venue, bar, film, book & record store. Located at 15 High Street, in the Burra of Eaglehawk.
UPDATE on Return to Nature: ‘Police found 190 rotting corpses, including those of babies and foetuses, inside derelict funeral home, a court has heard’
‘The Adventures of a Dead Fox’ audio from ABC Archives. Adele Morse, artist and taxidermist Insta: @adelemorse
‘With her handmade coffin, Mary Flynn is eager to spark conversations about death and natural burials’ ABC article & audio
‘Why a living funeral was the right decision for John Gilius and his partner in the face of death’ Life Matters article
Free Palestine Rally every Sunday 12pm, Jarra/Victory Park, Castlemaine. Insta: @freepalestinecentralvic
TRACKS: Canyon – Ragana / Choc-A-Bloc – Anika / Africa - Zulu