DEAD AIR #61 by Hayley West

Call for papers 'Mortality: Innovation at the end of life' commemorating the 20th anniversary of CDAS in the Department of Social and Policy Sciences at the University of Bath. Abstracts due 22 May 2023

The 6th International Symposium of the Death Online Research Network UK May-2 June, 2023. Early bird tickets close 31 March 2023.

Death the Last Taboo - Australian Museum online resource, read from Preparation for Death: Stories

NDAN presents: Technologies of the Human Corpse online with John Troyer, 2 April 2023

'Final Journey, The Use of Trains as Funeral Transport' online 29 March 2023

'Parramatta Eels fan chooses themed coffin as personalised burial trend grows' ABC NEWS

TRACKS: Malabadi Köprüsü–Selçuk Alagõz / Revolve–Melvins / By The Graveside–K15 / Are You Dead–Rainbows Are Free / Everybody Dies–Billie Eilish

DEAD AIR #60 by Hayley West

Cotard’s Syndrome (walking corpse syndrome) ‘The (Real) Delusion That You're a Corpse’ Ask a Mortician episode.

Ernest Becker, Terror Management Theory, and Death Acceptance: An Online Symposium Celebrating 50 Years of The Denial of Death - Online, Sun. 21 May 5-8am AEST (Mon. 20 May 2-5pm NYC EST)

Barb Ferguson, Living and Dying Well workshop, Ballan, Sat. 25 March, M: 0419545093 E:

Arranging a Home Funeral with Hini Hanara and Alex Antunes – Online, Wed. 5 April 7-8pm

Annie Fogarty, death and grief care circle. Melbourne Allied & Complimentary Health Practitioner Circle, Kangaroo Ground - Thu. 20 April, 7-10pm

‘The Good Death Through Time’ by Caitlin Mahar

Caitlin Mahar on the Drum, ABC iView (available 28 March)

TRACKS: Opium Den – The Neptune Power Federation (Sydney) / The Son of God – Romano Vervoso (Belgium) / The Sleeper – Albatross Overdrive (USA) / Bliss and the Abyss - Bagful of Bees (Spain) / Social Construct – ATOMMASHER (Melbourne) / In Leather – Babymachine (Wollongong)

DEAD AIR #59 by Hayley West

Green Burial Council To find FAQs on Green Burial (and decomposition) click on the Education tab on the website.

Volunteers needed for Goldfields Gothic Festival

DEAD Noise Workshop, Castlemaine Fringe Festival. Wed. 29 March 2023, 4-6pm. All Ages. Free, open to all abilities/skill levels. Book here. 

‘Living and Dying Well’ workshop with Barb Ferguson, Ballan Vic, 10am-4pm, Sat. 25 March 2023. 

‘The Director’ at Platform Arts, Geelong, 22-25 March 2023 …a bold performance starring charismatic ex-funeral director of 21 years, Scott Turnbull, and artist Lara Thoms. 

BOOK READING: ‘Making Poison’ from Murder in the Dark short stories by Margaret Atwood

BOOK READING: ‘Definitions’ (part) from Education for Socially Engaged Art by Pablo Helguera

TRACKS: Storm in an E cup – Black Cactus / Remorse – DEAD / Early Crow – Dead yet? Free download here from Bandcamp.